Saturday, January 10, 2009

Earn $500 Daily/How

Quickly Increase Your Website’s Inbound Links By Spying On Your Competition
Posted by Alan Liew | 2:22 PM

Guest post by Justin Vanhove

If you are a website owner or if you have a blog you know that getting inbound links can be a tedious process. Even more tedious is that you have to find relevant links. Most webmaster’s obtain their links from link exchanges, getting accepted into online directories, distributing articles to article directories, and submitting links to social bookmarking websites.

Those are all great ways of getting in pointing links to your website or blog. However, it is not an efficient process and can be quite time consuming. It takes a lot of time to find relevant websites to submit your articles to, directories to submit your site or blog to, and contact webmasters to see if they are interested in exchanging links. Social bookmarking is the only real method that does not take a whole lot of time.

Enough about that, the rest of the post is about how you can build links faster and more efficiently.

First identify exactly what your website is about. This should not be a problem if you built your site/blog around a niche. Then go to the four major search engines. They are Google, Yahoo, Live, and Ask which account for over 95% of all online searches. Type in your website’s primary keyword or the keyword of your homepage. Write down the four websites that rank number one in each major search engines results page. You will end up with exactly four websites, one for each search engine unless a website ranks at the top of more than one major search engine.

Then find out where they got their links from. That will explain a lot about why they are at the top. In almost all cases the websites at the top of search result pages have tons of relevant links. That is the only way to rank high for competitive keywords. To find where their links came from you can use a host of free tools that are available online. Do not pay for this information. You can get it for free.

I use a free tool called Search It. It is provided by which is a popular online company that specializes in the website building niche. The tool was originally created only for customers of the company. Recently it has been used by the company as a marketing tool, a tool to build credibility for Sitesell and eventually lead to more sales. That is why it is now free.

You can use Search It for a number of things. One of the things you can use it for is to find the back links of your competition. That is what I primarily use it for and it has saved me tons of time. Instead of having to search for inbound link opportunities I can get a huge list of them in a minute. A search of a website’s back links is more like a link opportunity search than just wanting to know where they got their links from. Rather than having to perform tons of searches for relevant inbound links opportunities you will have a list of 10,000 or more and can zoom through the process.

Other than links from random websites who just happen to like that site, all other links will be prime link opportunities. Also, since you are researching the links of the top websites in your niche chances are those links will be highly relevant. Highly relevant links are given more weight and are worth more to the search engines. The higher the page rank and relevancy of the link are what determine how much a particular link is worth when ranking pages for search results.

When doing this you will still be obtaining most of your links through article distribution, online website directories, and social bookmarking. Instead of having to go out and look for them they come to you in less than a second. The only thing you will have to find on your own manually is webmaster’s that will agree to exchange links. As for link exchanges they may not worth the time and effort depending on who you exchange links with. As a rule if a website has more links than you it will be worth a exchange. If not it will not be worth your time.

Now days search engines are getting more advanced and it is important to have one way links. Those are links from a website that you do not link to, therefore making it not a link exchange. That adds a lot of extra weight to the links ultimately boosting search engine rankings. In short you want one way links because they are the most valuable links. This method will help you accomplish just that and do it in a timely process.

Author Bio
If you would like to learn more you can make money online and make money on the internet. As for the search it tool you can do a quick google search and download it or visit one of the links above and download it for free. The links above will take you to my homepage. The download link can be found by clicking on the “free tools” button on the left side navigation bar. Thank you for reading and I hope the technique in this post saves you as much time as it has saved me.

Two Pricing Mistakes to Avoid When Making Money on eBay
Posted by Alan Liew | 11:15 AM

It can be very simple to become successful when it comes to running an eBay business to make money online. This is especially true if you have already established a good reputation as a seller on eBay. However, running an eBay business can be quite frustrating if you are just starting out. Below are a few simple tips you can follow to make money with your eBay business even if you are just starting out.

Setting the right starting price for your product is among the most important things you can do to be successful with your eBay business. There are two mistakes you must steer clear of when setting your starting price. The first is setting a price much higher than your competitors and the second is setting is too low compared to its value.

When you set your starting price much higher than your competitors, you quickly lose the interest of your potential bidders. For this reason, it is imperative for anyone who has an eBay business to study the selling behavior of their competitors. Check out other sellers with similar items as what you are offering with your eBay business. From there, you will have a better idea of how high you should set your own starting prices.

Setting your starting prices too low, on the other hand, will keep you from your potential to make money online. You should always consider the value of your product when you have an eBay business. Whenever you feel your product has much more value than your competitor’s starting prices, you can set your price low as well. However, you must be sure to utilize eBay’s Reserve Price feature. This will allow you to attract more bids and sell your item only when the reserve price you set has been met.

These are two of the most important things for you to take note of when you truly want to make money out of your own eBay business. By steering clear of these pricing mistakes, you can surely achieve your potential to make money online.

Stop Being Fooled By Cash Generating "Systems"
Posted by Alan Liew | 4:45 PM

Guest post by Bruce Alan

If you are searching for ways to make money online you will undoubtedly come across countless money making "systems" on the Internet. These ebooks or programs all promise to make you more money than you probably think is possible. The word "system" is used a lot because that almost makes it sound like a machine that does the work for you while you sit back and reap the rewards. A system might be a set of instructions that anyone can follow and replicate over and over to make good money. This sounds very enticing to the uninitiated searcher of information.

Everyone hunting for money making ideas would love to find a real "system" to generate cash online. We are all looking for the easy way out and that is why lotteries are so popular across the world. It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there is some secret out there that the rest of the world knows about that we don't that could change our lives. This is the mindset that Internet marketers prey upon.

Unfortunately, the only system that really works is plain old hard work along with an understanding of some basic online principles. You will find that in most cases, those that succeed online have not done so by accident. For instance, this blog ranks #1 for the Google search term "make money online" which is searched for more than a fair amount of times everyday. That search term is widely sought after among Internet marketers and it is by no fluke that this blog is on top. Alan did not get to the top by mistake or by some stroke of luck but by hard work. A prolonged solid linking campaign along with frequent posting has proven to pay off for him along with patience and perseverance. It did not happen overnight and your path to online success will not happen right away either.

No matter how many times people are warned about online scams and systems that don't deliver, they will undoubtedly continue to be fooled by Internet marketers who are masters of enticing advertising that sounds too good to pass up. If you are one of those that just has to buy the next money making ebook or system, I suggest two things. First, make sure it has a money back guarantee which you can take advantage of if you need to. Second, always click out of the online ad once to see if a discount coupon comes up. Many online money making ebooks and programs will give you a discount of $10.00 up to one half off if they think you are leaving without purchasing. So if you must have that ebook, at least try to get it for a discounted amount if you can.

Bruce Alan is the author of a work from home jobs website where he is hoping to someday quit his real day job and work exclusively from home.